December 9th, 2019
At MarkeTeam, we are strong advocates of professional development and personal growth. We encourage our staff to be lifelong learners and in fact, we regularly schedule all-staff training sessions on topics such as Google Analytics, Informed Delivery, Merge/Purge Optimization, Mid-Level Program Strategies, and many others.
As part of our constant quest for learning and knowledge, we attend conferences throughout the year to improve our work. Check out the following list of where we will have attendees–we hope to see you in the coming year.
If you can’t attend, please be sure to subscribe to our blogs to stay up to date on what we’ve learned.
Blog written by Barbara Johnson | Vice President, Client Services
Listing of 2020 Conferences below
We love to learn, and we love to share our knowledge and experience. And, we love meeting new people! First and foremost, MarkeTeamers are fundraisers, along with being analysts, marketers, creative specialists, postal geeks …
… and lifelong seekers of additional knowledge. Each year, staff members attend a variety of conferences and learning opportunities—we hope to see you at one of the conferences listed below:
Bridge Conference – is going virtual this year!
National Harbor, Maryland
July 16, 2020
Bridge has become the “go-to” conference for nonprofit fundraising professionals. You’ll interact with leading nonprofits, agencies and related vendor-partners, with multiple sessions focused on interest tracks. Visit MarkeTeam in our Exhibitor’s booth staffed by the most interesting people in the world (at least we think so!). Come by and share in the fun.
If you can’t attend, sign up for our blogs—we’ll post our top learnings from the conference!
#2020BridgeConference #advancedanalytics #strategicfundraising #multichannelfundraising #digitalfundraising #plannedgiving #midlevelfundraising #monthlysustainerprogram
ANA Chicago Nonprofit Conference – is going virtual this year!
Chicago, Illinois
August 5-6, 2020
DMANF 2020 Chicago Nonprofit Conference
Whether you’re just starting your career or bringing years of experience as a seasoned professional, you’ll always learn more when it comes to direct mail, digital and telemarketing fundraising techniques.
If you can’t attend, sign up for our blogs—we’ll post our top learnings from the conference!
#ANA2020Chicago #advancedanalytics #strategicfundraising #multichannelfundraising #midlevelfundraising #monthlysustainerprogram
Digital Marketing Conference – is going virtual this year!
Atlanta, Georgia
July 14-16, 2020
Digital Summit Atlanta 2020
With 55+ in-depth, trend-forward digital marketing sessions & workshops, our team will have tons of practical takeaways and ideas.
There is a great line-up of speakers from leading experts and brands, not to mention, hundreds of seasoned marketers, strategists, designers, and more to mingle and connect with.
If you can’t attend, sign up for our blogs—we’ll post our top learnings from the conference!
#DSATL #DigitalSummit #2020DigitalSummitAtlanta #strategicfundraising #welovetolearn #multichannelfundraising #digitalfundraising
AHP International Conference
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy
Austin, TX
October 21-23, 2020
Look for MarkeTeam at this conference focused on the unique needs of health care development professionals. We’ll be staffing a booth and eager to talk to you about your annual giving, grateful patient, and Mid-Level programs.
If you can’t attend, sign up for our blogs—we’ll post our top learnings from the conference!
#AHPBetterTogether #fundraisingforhealthcare #hospitalfundraising #annualgivingfundraising
Power Platform World Tour
Atlanta, GA
February 11-12, 2020
Power Platform World Tour Conference
This will be our first year attending the Power Platform World Tour Conference and we couldn’t be more excited! Today’s business environment is changing the way we make decisions and increasing the need for advanced analytic and data visualization tools. A few of our teammates will learn new ways to automate, analyze, and visualize data over the course of two packed full days with 32 breakout sessions to choose from.
Data Visualization
Power BI
Dataflows & Process Automation
Building Dashboards and Apps for Business Analytics
AI and Machine Learning on the Power Platform